dermal fillers

AESTHETIC & Beauty Treatments You DESIRE

Dermal fillers can play an important role in a client’s aesthetic plan at any age — whether it’s creating a fresh pair of fuller lips, establishing facial symmetry or correcting aging facial volume loss. Dermal fillers work to create or restore volume as they are comprised of ingredients that are naturally occurring in the body, adding a plumpness to the skin without feeling or appearing unnatural.


s part of the natural aging process, our overall internal facial volume begins to deplete through loss of collagen, fat, muscle and even bone. This causes our remaining tissues to shift (thanks gravity!) resulting in the outward appearance of wrinkles, thinning lips and sagging skin. Dermal fillers work to restore facial volume helping to fill hollowness, correct wrinkles and lift skin to create a more youthful appearance.

What to expect: You’ll meet with one of our licensed nurse injectors for a consultation to develop a treatment plan together, incorporating your identified concerns and your nurse injectors evaluation of your skin. Plan for your first visit to be longer than follow-up treatments for initial consultation, consent and treatment time. Your specific area of concern will help determine which brand or type of dermal filler would be best suited for the job. It’s important to take into consideration a client’s full face when determining symmetry or volume as one area typically helps to balance and affect another. Your nurse injector will recommend various options for anesthetics that can be used to numb the area being treated.

​Down time: Typically considered as having minimal downtime, many factors play a role in this. Minor bruising, swelling and pain are not uncommon. To aid in diminishing bruising and swelling we recommend taking the herbal supplement Arnica Montana 2 days prior to, and up to a week after treatment. Also, please avoid alcohol 3 days prior to treatment, avoid exercise 24 hours post treatment, and ice the area frequently for 1-2 days post treatment. You may take Tylenol for pain if medically able. Do not massage or rub the area of treatment. If determined medically appropriate by your primary or medical provider, it is also recommended to stop medications that increase change of bleeding (IE: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Excedrin, Naproxen, vitamin E, fish oil, krill oil, ginseng, St. John’s wort, ginkgo biloba) for 2 weeks prior to treatment.

Dermal Fillers Madison WI Lip Filler BLUR Medical Spa
Juvederm Dermal Fillers Madison WI Lip Injections

Results: Filler provides immediate results. Following injection, one can expect an initial period of swelling gradually decreasing over 1-2 weeks. Depending on product, area corrected and level of correction, results can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.

Additional info: Have you received dermal filler in the past that no longer suits your needs, or you’d like to remove? Most filler can be dissolved using a product called Hylenex (hyaluronidase). A client may request Hylenex treatment or a nurse injector may suggest this prior to new treatment during consultation. Please note: In the rare event that dermal filler would need to be dissolved due to medical complication, an ample amount of dissolvent is kept readily available at all times.

Additional FAQs: We are unable to treat you if you are pregnant/breast feeding, have received any vaccinations within the last 2 weeks, or have upcoming dental work, active skin infections, active flare of an autoimmune disease, or any active bacterial/viral/body or blood infections. We are also unable to treat you if you are experiencing active herpes simplex (*cold sores), steroid or immunosuppressive treatments within 2 weeks of procedure, antibiotic treatment within 2 weeks of procedure (minus acne medication), or any current upper respiratory/sinus infections or within 2 weeks of treatment.

We require you to discuss the following conditions with your primary or medical provider prior to treatment: known allergy to bee/wasp venom, previous adverse reactions related to dermal fillers (nodules, granulomas, biofilms, allergic reaction, inflammation, vascular complications, skin discoloration, scarring, malar edema, delayed edema), autoimmune diseases, and/or taking Coumadin/Warfarin or other blood thinner.

Our nurse injectors reserve the right to refuse treatment if we believe it to be unsafe or otherwise contraindicated for any reason.

Before and Afters


dermal filler

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